
Weather at Istinye - Istanbul
As of:  14/12/24 19:10  (UTC 16:10)

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Vantage PRO
Location:  41°06.745' North 29°02.243' East   Elevation:  113 m
Sunrise:  8:22  Sunset:  17:36
Current, High and Low Values
Current Value High at Low at
Daily Temperature 6.4°C 9.6°C 15:25 2.2°C 8:48
Pool Temperature ---°C ---°C --- ---°C ---
Heat Index 6.2°C 8.9°C 14:53
Wind Chill 6.4°C 2.2°C 8:18
THW IndexTemperature-Humidity-Wind Index 6.2°F
Monthly Temperature 20.2°C 2.2°C
Yearly Temperature 36.1°C   -1.1°C  

Barometer (hPa) 1026.7 1036.5 0:42 1026.7 19:10
3-Hour Barometer Trend Falling Rapidly

Humidity 70% 78% 9:11 54% 15:14
Dew Point 1.4°C 1.7°C 12:05 -1.7°C 6:06

Wind SSW  0.0  kt 11.3 kt 0:14
Wind - 10 Min Avg. 0.0 kt
Monthly Wind Speed 23.5 kt
Yearly Wind Speed 31.3 kt

Daily Rain 0.4 mm
Monthly Rain 5.4 mm
Yearly Rain 478.4 mm
Daily ETEvapotranspiration (ET) is a measurement of the amount of water vapor returned to the air in a given area. It combines the amount of water vapor returned through evaporation (from wet vegetation surfaces and the stoma of leaves) with the amount of water vapor returned through transpiration (exhaling of moisture through plant skin) to arrive at a total. Effectively, ET is the opposite of rainfall, and it is expressed in the same units of measure (Inches, millimeters). 1.17 mm
Monthly ET 13.61 mm
Yearly ET 907.19 mm

Solar Radiation (W/m²) 0 378 13:08
UV Index 0.0  1.3  12:13
Monthly Solar Radiation 554
Yearly Solar Radiation 1085
Monthly UV 1.6
Yearly UV 9.8

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